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Artrix-Octtan is a Research and Development (R&D) company in the field of Industrial Processes.

Artrix-Octtan works in the definition and specification of Industrial Processes and equipment. We analyze your requirements and products and create the best manufacturing solutions. We also support organizations in the management of industrial technology projects with tools, techniques and methods for validating the construction phase of what was defined by our team.
Companies seek to be increasingly efficient and assertive during the development of new Products and Processes. The members of our team have extensive experience and knowledge in the development of Industrial Projects for some of the largest automakers in the world, meeting the high requirements of Quality and IATF.

Thus, we will help your company to launch products in the market in a faster and more assertive way with robust and stable Industrial Processes.
The team’s extensive experience and knowledge, as well as our database of lessons learned, design rules and failure modes, will be very important to add knowledge to the Development Engineering team of any organization. This will greatly increase the chances of your project being efficient and assertive the first time.

We also work on the development of your project using as few resources as possible from your Engineering team.

Therefore, we are also a great option when an organization faces a high demand for projects, and do not have enough resources to handle all of them.

Whether to join knowledge with an existing team or for a high load of projects, Artrix-Octtan will be a great partner in the development of your project.
Artrix-Octtan understands that sustaining existing Industrial Processes is a task that requires a lot of work and attention. The same occurs in the definition and development of new Production Processes since this activity requires a lot of research and study.

When the same Engineering team works in both activities, one of them will be considerably affected. Normally, industrial activities are prioritized, consequently, development activities are not given due attention. This causes new projects to be implemented with failures, consequently demanding even more load from the Industrial team.

Artrix-Octtan eliminates this harmful looping from your company, with a Development Engineering dedicated to new projects.
Artrix-Octtan understands that many companies are no longer competitive and profitable in the market for not launching new products due to a lack of Development Engineering. Consequently, the lack of competitiveness and profitability does not allow many organizations to maintain a Design team due to the high costs involved, especially if new projects occur sporadically.

We eliminate this harmful looping from organizations, with a Development Engineering dedicated to new projects.
Artrix-Octtan is a Research and Development (R&D) company in Industrial Processes. We understand that most organizations already have suppliers of special machines, which they have already done some Automation projects. With that, we strategically do not build the production lines, since this is a later stage of the development phase.

Our team has extensive experience working together with suppliers of special machines for large projects. Thus, we will assist your organization in monitoring and validating all stages of construction of means of production at suppliers.
Artrix-Octtan has extensive experience and knowledge working together with suppliers of special machines in various projects. As a result, we have an extensive list of providers in our databases.

Our team will suggest some options that can suit your project according to the size, level of complexity, deadlines, embedded technology, and location among other relevant factors.


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We are a Research and Development Engineering (R&D) in industrial processes. We create and define the most efficient and innovative processes on the market for any industry. Contact us, it will be a pleasure to provide more information.
